Bouncing Balls
First you’ll need to make
a round ball. Select the Oval Tool and choose no color for the stroke
and then fill the circle with a radial gradient.
I have made 3 ball gradients
for you to use. Download this file and load it by going to Windows>Colors.
Then click on the color pallet button on the bottom left
and choose Add Colors.
Select the ball and go to Modify>Group
Right-click (Mac:
Ctrl-click) on frame 10 and select Insert Keyframe. Do
the same on frame 20
on frame 10. Hold down the Shift key and drag the ball down as far as
you want it to drop.
Now add a Keyframe on frame
Click back on frame 10. Go
to Modify>Transform>Scale.
Squish the ball down a touch by grabing the top middle point and
dragging it down.
Double-click frame 1 and go
to Tweening>Motion.
Un-check "Tween Scaling".
Drag the Easing fader to all the way to IN. Click OK.
Double-click frame 11 and go
to Tweening>Motion. Drag
the Easing fader to all the way to OUT. Click OK
to Control>Loop Playback.
Press the Enter key to play! Note: If the movie seems too slow, go to
Modify>Movie and enter 20 for Fps (Frames Per Second).
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